apologies for my absence ... but today (sunday) is the first time i've been out of the village since last tuesday. reason being, i've been down with a cold all week - which was a drag, to say the least, but also had its benefits. a drag because it meant missing school from wednesday-friday and lying around the compound on the hottest days yet having minor 'could-this-be-malaria?' panic attacks. but lying around the compound means chats with the ladies, quiet time for listening, and time for thinking, reading and writing. suffice it to say, however, i am somewhat bored of myself so have come into fajara for a two nights with sandra at her place and plenty of internet time. (in the name of nursery research, she says). we've discovered that they have a hash house harriers club here on monday nights so i've brought my running shoes and my thirst for a julbrew. we'll see how it goes! (dad, tell jim!)
speaking of sandra, i have pictures at last! you can see for yourself why we were laughing so hard. me in my peasant skirt and disgusting hair and sandra in her air hostess get up. get that!
i'll have more pictures to post on the blog after jason has been and gone - i'll give him a memory stick and hopefully he can upload them here. i am normally not a camera person, but i've taken quite a few pics and can't wait to share!
i have so much to write about i think i'm going to have to do this in installments - otherwise, i may lose you! as i said, i've had ALL week to think about this - and i've had a few very blog-worthy experiences since i last wrote!
i'm going to post this now to make sure the pics get up, i'll continue in the next entry.
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